Women on a Mission Tour- day 1


Höchster Punkt
1300 m
Route Start


Route Ende




Wetter heute
26° Sonne und Quellwolken, Regenschauer und Gewitter möglich
Wetter morgen
21° Sonne, Wolken, Regenschauer


Walk in & Relax

Before the active part of this tour in the stunning mountains of the Zillertal valley gets underway, you have the opportunity to relax and get your batteries fully recharged for the days ahead in the Zillertal Arena. In your hotel spa in Gerlos you can chill-out and leave all your cares behind you. Free your mind and simply look forward tot he fantastic mountain tour that awaits you. And to round off the day savour a mmouth-waterin evening dinner. Try to make sure you get enough sleep because the second day of the „Women on a Mission“ tour offers quite a challenge in high-alpine terrain.


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