Round hiking trip: Zellberg (with Talbach)


03:00 h
8 km
Höhenmeter Bergauf
390 hm
Höhenmeter Bergab
390 hm
Höchster Punkt
860 m



Wetter heute
14° Sonne und Wolken
Wetter morgen
13° Kompakte Wolken ohne Sonne
Status Geschlossen


Starting point: Zillerbrücke (bridge) - Zellbergeben

From the car dealership up to  Schönsten Aussicht (Klöpflstaudach, way no. 5) then on the way no. 6 to the Gasthof Schulhaus and to the Herz-Jesu chapel. Now you walk along the Zellberg road up to the bend "branch Talbach" (signposting). The sting is a short section in the area of the Talbach waterfall where you overbear this scenic section over steep stairs. Shortly before Hippach the trail leads back to the valley. From the district Laimach up to the "Laimachsteg" (bridge) where the trail leads along the Ziller promenade back to the starting point.

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