Rohrberg - Rosenalm - Gerlosberg Tour


26 km
Höhenmeter Bergauf
1165 hm
Höhenmeter Bergab
1165 hm
Höchster Punkt
1740 m
Route Start

Centrum / Train Station Zell am Ziller

Route Ende

Centrum / Train Station Zell am Ziller



Wetter heute
31° Sonne und Quellwolken, Regenschauer und Gewitter möglich
Wetter morgen
26° Sonne, Wolken, Regenschauer


To warm up, cycle through the village centre of Zell towards the Gerlosberg mountain and after the Gerlosberg/Rohrberg bridge you can start really using your muscles. During the steep ascent, there's only one section - a flat, 500 m long stretch near the Grindlalm - that offers you a breather. At the Wiesenalm hut, the road surface changes from tarmac to gravel and after around 4 km you come to one of the most picturesque pasture landscapes in the Zillertal valley complete with a breathtaking view of the foothills of the Tux Alps. After the strenuous ascent, you're rewarded with a fantastic descent down the Gerlosberg mountain.

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